4 Advantages That Make Offshore PHP Development Profitable


When going for the offshore developers, you can choose qualified professionals after going through their portfolios. Professional companies create extensive catalogues of their projects and achievements to display samples of their best work.  Offshore development companies can grant you the luxury of forming a team of professional top notch developers, who can provide results that you desire. Read in more detail here.

5 Tips for Hiring PHP developers for Web Application Development


PHP is considered as one of the most powerful languages. With the world wide popularity of PHP, a large number of companies have started to offer projects in PHP language. This is making it more and more difficult for the clients to choose the best company for their applications.The client might want an additional upgrade or a newly developed web application, there are certain factors that need to be considered when hiring a PHP developer for the project:

Prefer team based development over solo development:

Hiring solo developers to complete the web application can put your project at risk for not having the required resources to complete the application. Development in team will speedup the whole process of app development. The higher the number of brains, the better, enhanced and more creative ideas for project, thus  resulting in an improved version of application.

Meeting the deadline:

When hiring PHP programmers, make sure to choose a company that meets the project deadline along with a high quality application. Delivering the project on time will save the  client’s time, which they can invest in their business.

Research the development company:

Every client should perform a thorough research when deciding for a company, which has reputation and  financial stability. So, that those companies could offer quality products, that are achieved in-time, within the allocated budget and with high quality.

Choose talented developers:

When deciding for a company chose the companies that have talented and experienced PHP developers. Every web application requires a clean, innovative and an interactive design that can only be achieved by the expert PHP developers. Only achieving low quality product with low talented developers will not help the client’s business survive in the market for too long.


Communication is the most crucial aspect when hiring PHP developers. Miscommunication between the developers and the client can lead to an unrequired element in the website. And worst case scenario, a totally different type of application than the one asked by the client. Therefore, when hiring PHP  developers, choose the ones that are easier to communicate.

The most important tip for hiring a PHP development team is to select the right company for achieving the client’s objectives. Client should take time  to hire the professional and experienced developers, to deploy an application that increase the business and value in the  market.

Stock Images & Graphics for Your Web Project

The visual design of the website includes page layouts, images, branding and all the related stuff. Graphics form a crucial part of a website that drives traffic to it and utmost care has to be taken when going for this option. You can get your hands on images ranging from cheap stock ones to high-end expensive ones. It definitely adds up to the budget whether you go for high resolution images or opt to hire an experienced PHP developer for your web project.

Website with an Attractive Design

The visual design of the website includes page layouts, images, branding and all the related stuff. Remember that it is a repetitive process which involves skimming through a number of designs before an appropriate design is finalized. This design is then handed over to the developers for further implementation. But this phase is definitely going to require a large chunk of your financial investment. When you hire a PHP developer to build a website from scratch, keep in mind that there will be no existing elements and structure to initiate from.


Hire PHP Developers to Build a New Website

Website cost has emerged as a complex little riddle for the business owners which, over the years, has been a source tremendous distress and obfuscation for website owners. When you hire a PHP developer to build a website from scratch, keep in mind that everything has to be done from scratch! This, obviously requires more time, effort and financial resources. On the other hand, if you are looking for a redesign of your current website or even looking to further extend it, a template and inspiration is there for the developers as they just need to have a look at your existing site and off they go!



Hire PHP Developer for a User Friendly Website

The owner needs to determine the various strengths and weaknesses of the website which tends to give an overview of the customers’ perspective and their point of view. It also gives an idea about the general popularity of the website. When the recruiters hire PHP developer, graphical user interface and the user experience are of utmost significance. The elements of a user interface generally include input, navigation, information and containers. The user interface of a website ought to be invisible; i.e. it should not distract the user because of the flashy and phony elements.


Conducive Environment for PHP Developers

Before you hire PHP developers and programmers to build dynamic and interactive websites, it is essential to cultivate an environment in your place that is able to extract the maximum out of the newly hired individual. In the absence of a dedicated PHP developer, the employers tend to go for make-shift arrangements. But as soon as a developer is introduced into the mix, the employees, being the slaves of their habits and comfort, will turn up with other excuses and all their complaints about having to do someone else’s tasks will transform into complaints regarding giving their work their work to someone.

Young businessman discussing working ideas with colleagues

Hire PHP Developers for Easily Marketable Websites

PHP is loaded with tonnes of state-of-the-art features that facilitate in the development of highly dynamic and interactive websites that flawlessly blend with a huge range of web technologies across the board and prove to be instrumental in driving traffic to the business websites. Hence, the websites developed with PHP are easily marketable. When as a recruiter, you are looking to hire PHP developers for dynamic and interactive websites, it becomes essential that you have some idea why PHP should be your go-to web framework.


3 Essential Components of a Website Requirements Document

More often than not, the operating procedures that the web development team adopts make them execute everything on-the-go and carry out adjustments as and when they are required. The result of such an approach is a website which probably is functioning pretty nicely but is not in accordance with the requirements of the client. So, the whole exercise turns out to be futile resulting in further modifications which means spending more time, more effort and more money. This is precisely where a website requirements document comes into play. A website requirements document is actually an outline of what the website should entail. It gives a proper peek into the potential final product and hence all those involved in the development process get a clear understanding of what is being asked of them. Such a document ought to be formulated in a collaborative environment among the client, web designer, web developer and the content creator. 


Hire PHP Developers and Programmers with the Right Credentials

Hiring PHP developers and programmers in accordance with the project requirements is a herculean task which poses a number of complexities for project managers and website owners. It is essential that the recruiters are aware of the level of skills that these technical persons possess when hiring PHP developers and programmers. Setting technical skill as a decisive parameter, we may divide programmers into three categories, namely beginners, mid-level and advanced developers.
